Errors when pasting a car with a protective film

Errors when pasting a car with a protective film
What mistakes are most often allowed when pasting cars with film

One of the most common mistakes is inaccurate calculations, as a result of which any area of the body may be left without a film. In an effort to save money, people often buy less material than they need. So, for pasting a sedan in most cases, 17-19 m of film is required, for a crossover or a station wagon - from 18 to 23 m, and for an SUV-up to 30 m.

Another mistake is the poor-quality preparation of the car body for applying the film. It is possible to achieve good adhesion and a perfectly smooth surface only if all external parts of the machine are properly cleaned. First of all, the car should be thoroughly washed with shampoo, and then carefully inspect its paintwork for the presence of bitumen stains, insect residues, specks and other foreign elements. All this contributes to the fact that the film begins to peel off, and it is impossible to glue it exactly due to the formation of wrinkles and folds. In order to eliminate the above-mentioned contamination from the surface of the body, alcohol or a gentle solvent should be used.

The mistake is also made by those people who apply a film to the body immediately after it dries. If you paste it incorrectly, it will be impossible to fix it. Therefore, it would be more prudent to moisten the adhesive layer in advance with a weak solution of ordinary detergent. This will allow, if necessary, to straighten or move the film a little. To make it fall perfectly flat, you need to use a plastic squeegee and smooth the film with it from the middle to the edges: this will help to remove air bubbles, even of a small size. Well, if you want to buy a pattern for the bumper of a car, please contact us.
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